"Thrifting is gross!" Still believing in this myth?


Whenever I bring out the topic of thrifting, I have seen many people who ask me isn't it gross and unhygienic. Well, it's surprising to hear and see people still believing in the myths about thrifting because I've thrifted my way through pretty gross stuff and I am not ashamed of admitting that as I've realized that it's all a part of finding what you love. Let's debunk the top 5 myths about thrifting.

1. Thrift stores are filthy

This may be partially true but not all thrift stores look like that, as I have been to a few thrift stores which take care of all of their items and maintain the cleanliness of the store. I have seen people steaming the clothes and vacuuming the floor, and also giving the facility of changing room so that people can try on the clothes before they buy them. 

So, with the rise of thrifting, I would say that many stores are not what they used to be. When it comes to clothes, I would recommend wearing gloves because you may come across a few dirty clothes, which will help you while thrifting; however, I don't like to wear gloves because I won't be able to feel the fabric. Instead, I keep a hand sanitizer with me and wash my hands every few hours.

2. Thrift stores are only meant for poor people

Many people have this perception that only the poor are meant to go to a thrift store, but the reality is there's no specific income that classifies who can go to a thrift store. Just like how the retail shops welcome everyone, so do thrift shops.

3. Thrift stores only have outdated clothes

This is also partly true because we live in a fast-fashion world in which people wear clothes for a few seasons before donating them to thrift stores. It is now common to find brands such as H&M, Zara, Forever 21, ASOS, and others at thrift stores. While these items may not be the most recent fashion, they are never out of style.

Furthermore, people are returning to the 80s-90s trend and prefer to wear vintage clothing over fast fashion clothing.

4. Thrift stores stuff prices are becoming the same as the retail store prices

This may be true, but it varies depending on the thrift store's location. If you find the same type of clothes at a thrift store and a retail store at comparable prices, I would recommend purchasing them from the retail store, because there's no point in thrifting if you're not getting a good deal.

Furthermore, I would recommend shopping at a less well-known thrift store rather than a well-known one. As I've seen, once a thrift store becomes popular, the price of the product skyrockets when compared to the quality of the items they sell.

5.  All thrift clothes are in bad state and shape

Many people may have come across a lot of clothes in poor condition, as most clothes are donated when they become outdated. However, we should not forget that people donate a lot of nice new clothes that they have barely worn or that were given to them but were not to their liking for a variety of reasons. 

To my surprise, I've seen a lot of clothes with their original tags still attached and it makes me wonder why people still think that thrift shops only consist of old and damaged clothes.

So, what is the bottom line? Well, if you’re looking to get something nice, go thrift store shopping. But remember that all vintage clothes have been worn and washed many times before they ended up in your closet. Remember that nobody is perfect when it comes to vintage clothing because everyone has their own tastes and opinions—but if you want something a little more affordable, try looking for second-hand clothing at some of these stores instead!

So, do you still think thrifting is gross?


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